Areas of Impact

A closer look at our initiative


“It’s all about safe childhood and interactive learning”

ILearn’s Children Program aims at strengthening young people’s resilience, self-learning, problem-solving skills, critical thinking, and confidence. The program consists of pre-designed curriculums in four topics: Life Skills, Communication and Language Skills, Digital Illiteracy, Arts & Theatre.  A coaching program is offered to youth volunteers (16 -30 years old) to strengthen their facilitation and leadership skills, raise their awareness of diversity, children’s rights, and the international framework for children protection.  The trained youth volunteers work in groups to deliver the 4 month program to children in their areas in collaboration with local community organizations.

Adolescents and Youth

“We bridge the gap!”

ILearn believes that building youth capacities and providing professional training to adolescents and youth reduces the gap between youth skills and the job market requirements. ILearn builds on pre-existing assets within the community through the utilization of ILearn’s professional network and partners and engaging them with the youth which empowers them to reach their innate potential.


“Education is freedom”

In partnership with the Ministry of Education, ILearn believes that sustainable development should pass by schools and teachers, as there is no actual development that can be made without integrating schools and educational institutions to be part of empowering children and adolescents with informal interactive learning that build social responsibility, reciprocal efforts, and activating community assets.

In partnership with the Ministry of Education, ILearn engages with schools and teachers in its mission of empowering children. The cooperation with educational institutions to offer support to children, ensure their commitment to formal education, and activation of their innate assets offers an integrated approach to our interventions with children. 


“There is no power for change greater than a community discovering what it cares about”

Activating and partnership with community-based organizations is one of the ways that ILearn seeks sustainable development and long-term positive impact. ILearn guides the process through each cycle and carries out regular consultation sessions with local community members, families, teachers, and caregivers to ensure their support. 

ILearn is proudly a grassroot initiative that started within community-based organizations. Working with and through local community organizations ensures our sustainability and long-term positive impact. Our vision is to transfer our knowledge and products to empower our partner community-based organizations to continue delivering our curriculums and sustain our interventions beyond our presence with the community. Open dialogue with local community members, families, and caregivers is a cornerstone of our approach and interventions.


Through 7 spaces, we were able to reach more than 10 thousand young people and children, especially as 30% of students drop out of education and working children.


Today, “I Learn” cooperates with several associations and initiatives.


Contribution to the establishment of the first space and digital manufacturing center currently in the Azraq region.


Volunteers organize, teach, and train every monthly.

Contact I Learn Team